Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Perfect Document Imaging: What You Can Learn

 The management of clinical documentation obtained in digital format deserves a separate chapter. Here is a series of regulatory guidelines for operators of both public and private health facilities.

The process of managing the entire life cycle of health documentation and the production of clinical documents in the form of images occupies a strategic place in digital health. It is essential to apply the current legislation taking into account the technological development and the state of the art of entities and institutions in the sector. For this we will provide a unitary reference, at national level, with practical indications for the radiologists and the staff involved in the processes in question.

It is important that every aspect of management is monitored by specific IT mechanisms, in order to be able to apply metadata to each IT document and record the logs of all the activities carried out subsequently. Client server based system is more popular system for document storage.

A premise:

This article will not analyze the dematerialization of pre-existing analogue and / or digital archives , both textual and iconographic, due to the different types of formats, often non-standard, in use by the sector administrations.

The information provided below is addressed to both public and private health facilities and is directed to the General Managers, the Health Directors, the Directors / Managers of Information Systems and the Departments and Operating Units of Diagnostic Imaging, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine for the management of clinical documentation, obtained directly in digital format.

·       The medical report is to be considered a document in the same way as a "private writing" and must be composed of a written declaration, coming from the person concerned and signed by the latter pursuant.

·       Pursuant to the Digital Administration Code, the digitally signed electronic document has probative value in the same way as the paper document signed in autograph mode.

·       By radiological report we mean the medical report; by radiological documents we mean images. It is believed that, except in emergency cases and / or regulated by specific protocols, the images and the report must be made available at the same time immediately after the digital signature of the report itself.

Furthermore, as regards the structured report, it must be kept indefinitely with the selected and linked images.


Metadata and logs in diagnostic imaging

Therefore, for an adequate management of the dematerialized Diagnostic Imaging documents , it is desirable to implement a series of technical measures to ensure the correctness of the procedures and the control of the processes, measures that are already subject to regulations ( GDPR ) and which must therefore be prepared for the protection of both patients and operators.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Most Essential Deals You Need to Know Regarding Document scanning software

 Now you can easily scan documents with the tools we have collected. Get the most out of your scanner! Most users use the programs that printer manufacturers provide, such as Epson Scan Manager. However, there is a wide range of possibilities in third-party software. Our goal is to provide you with the best solutions for scanning documents, which we show you below.


Its acronym reads “Not another PDF Scanner ", which serves as a cover letter for you to get an idea of ​​what we can get from it. That said, it is a program that offers us the possibility of scanning all the documents or images that we want in output formats such as: PDF, JPG, PNG and TIFF.


The most remarkable thing about NAPS2 is the great compatibility with scanners and the portable versions that we can download on its page. We cannot only choose the driver we want for our scanner, but we can configure the DPI, size of page or depth of bits. Using the Document scanning software  is important here.


In addition, it is possible to edit what we have scanned, being able to crop, rotate, resize, etc. Finally, say that it is available in Spanish and that it is an open source tool.


ABBYY FineReader

In this case, we find a business solution for scanning documents. It is a multifunctional tool because it allows us to order and edit PDF, being able to sign them. On the other hand, it is possible to convert these PDFs, compare documents of different formats or digitize easily.


Windows 10 scanner


If you are looking for something simple and that works, it will not leave you lying down because it is compatible with almost all printers or scanners. Finally, say that we can save the digitized files in PDF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, OpenXPS, XPS and Bitmap formats. The Document capture software is essential here.


Monday, 5 April 2021

Understand the Options for digital archiving


Digital document archiving is the ideal solution for storing, securing and quickly consulting your documents.

Archiving then concerns all companies and must be well supervised. With new technologies, many documents have become dematerialized, giving way to digital format. We therefore speak of digital archiving. But as with the paper version, sensitive digital documents require special management.

To do this, invoices, payslips, bank statements, purchase orders, contracts, etc. must be kept safely but must also be easily found. Their archiving is therefore essential.

Would you like more information on the digital archiving of your documents? Do not hesitate to contact our team. Go for the digital archiving process in this case.

Electronic archiving must guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the data, in other words it must guarantee the traceability of the data and they must not be modified. It must also guarantee the durability of the data: they must remain legible and accessible and finally, security must be certified: the archiving system chosen must prevent the loss or theft of documents.

Differentiate clearly between digital backup and archiving

Backup and archiving are two concepts that are often confused in companies, but there is a distinction to be made between these two terms.

The backup mainly concerns the data still used within the company. It consists of duplicating this data in order to restore it in the event of failure or computer failure. Thus, even in the event of a technical problem or human error, the company's activity is not interrupted. It is therefore a backup copy.

On the other hand, archiving applies to data which no longer needs to be used but which could need to be consulted later for legal reasons. The original data is archived, not copies.

Archiving management

In order to comply with the law or for reasons of confidentiality, sensitive documents may be kept in a secure storage space, called an electronic safe. This space is accessible via the internet and allows electronic documents to be stored in different formats. Depending on the services offered, it can be free or paid.